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How Outdoor and Nature-Based Toys Impact Children's Physical and Mental Development

How Outdoor and Nature-Based Toys Impact Children's Physical and Mental Development

Do you remember the joys of playing outside as a kid? Riding bikes, climbing trees, making mud pies – those were the days! Unfortunately, a growing number of today's children are missing out on such experiences. With screens and electronics becoming more present in their everyday lives, children have fewer opportunities for outdoor play and exposure to nature.

Benefits of Outdoor and Nature-Based Toys

Physical Development

  • Improved motor skills – Climbing, riding bikes, and swinging bats help develop coordination and balance.
  • Increased physical fitness – Running, jumping, and active play build strength and endurance.
  • Stronger immune system – Fresh air and sunshine help support the body’s ability to resist infections.
Cognitive Development
  • Problem-solving skills – Outdoor toys like blocks and shovels encourage imaginative play.
  • Creativity – Open-ended toys spark the imagination as kids invent scenarios and explore environments.
  • Reasoning abilities – Games with rules and structure help develop logic and critical thinking.

Social-Emotional Development

  • Emotional regulation – Unstructured play improves the ability to self-soothe and manage stress.
  • Cooperation – Group games promote teamwork, sharing and social skills.
  • Confidence – Mastering new physical skills and activities builds self-esteem.
  • Focus – Time spent in natural settings restores attention and relieves anxiety.

Outdoor Toys That Connect Kids with Nature

Nature Feel and Find (Guidecraft)

An engaging matching game that features beautiful nature-inspired materials like flowers, spider webs, ladybugs, turtle shells, eggs, and pine cones. As children match the pieces, they will strengthen their memory and association skills by engaging their senses through exploration.

Bucki (Quut)
A must-have beach bucket set that guarantees hours of summertime fun for little hands. The bucket and matching sieve are perfect for collecting, washing, and transporting seashells and other small treasures found while exploring the seashore. Available in a vibrant cherry pink colour, this set will be a favourite beachtime activity that creates lasting memories.

Aujourd’hui C’est Mercredi Giant Soap Bubbles Set (Moulin Roty)
A delightful way to enjoy the outdoors through creative play. With five different-sized bubble rings and a lightweight string wand, children can experiment with making giant, colourful bubbles in all shapes and sizes. The plastic rings and wand are washable for repeated use. There are endless hours of fun to be had here, especially on a fair-weather day.

Coral Connections (Guidecraft)
Allows budding marine biologists to build stunning underwater coral environments in a unique toy-based format. The soft, pliable plastic components feature smart snap-fit and ball and joint connections so children can easily construct vertically, horizontally, or in a web-like design. The set can be used indoors or outdoors, in sand, in water, or as part of a show-and-tell or STEM project.

Little Bricks (Guidecraft)
An imaginative 60-piece building set that allows kids to practise simple architectural design theories, model scales, and engineering principles. The textured TPR plastic bricks are authentically scaled to a miniature brick size and have weighted metal interiors for a satisfying building experience. Perfect for open-ended building fun, both indoors and outdoors.

Outdoor play with nature-based toys can be a game-changer in building a child's physical fitness, cognitive skills, emotional regulation and overall well-being. Such activities pay sizable dividends and as caregivers, we can do our part in encouraging outdoor play by providing engaging toys and making outside time a daily priority.
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